
Lumet will publish academic articles, industry reports, multimedia and other work products. Outputs will also be disseminated to industry, policy-makers and other stakeholders – especially to support Canada’s minerals industry.

Young SB (2024). Sustainability standards for industrial materials. Presentation to the AMIR masters program, University of Bordeaux. 7 October 2024. PDF.

Young SB (2024). Sustainability standards for steel. Presentation to the Canadian Steel Producers Association, 13 June 2024. PDF.

Background publications – includes theses and earlier academic articles and industry reports

McGlade-Bouchard, C. (2023). Assessing the Legitimacy of Sustainability Standard Programs in the Mining and Minerals Sector [Master Thesis, University of Waterloo].

Mathew, B. T. (2020). Attributes of Commodity Supply Chains: Feasibility of Blockchain Technology for Responsible Sourcing [Masters thesis, University of Waterloo].

Young, S. B., Fernandes, S., & Wood, M. O. (2019). Jumping the Chain: How Downstream Manufacturers Engage with Deep Suppliers of Conflict Minerals. Resources, 8(1), 26.

Fernandes, S. (2018). Deep Supply-Chain Engagement in Conflict Minerals [Master’s thesis, University of Waterloo].

Achebe, J. (2016). Substance Flow Analysis of Tantalum: Tracking the Conflict-Free Path [Masters thesis, University of Waterloo].

Na, Y. (2016). Corporate Social Performance of Firms in Conflict Mineral Global Supply Chains [Masters thesis, University of Waterloo].

Nlandu Bayekula, J.-O. (2016). Tracing Conflict Minerals in the Great Lakes Region of Africa: Drivers, Barriers and Opportunities [University of Waterloo].

Young, S. B. (2015). Responsible sourcing of metals: Certification approaches for conflict minerals and conflict-free metals. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 1–19.

Young, S. B., Zhe, Y., & Dias, G. (2014). Prospects for sustainability certification of metals. Metallurgical Research & Technology, 111(3), 131–136.

Young, S. B., & Dias, G. (2012). Conflict-free minerals supply-chain to electronics. Electronics Goes Green 2012+ Conference (EGG), 2012, 1–5. PDF

Young, S. B., & Dias, G. (2011). LCM of Metals Supply to Electronics: Tracking and Tracing’Conflict Minerals’. Available at SSRN 1875976.

Young, S. B., Fonseca, A., & Dias, G. (2010). Principles for responsible metals supply to electronics. Social Responsibility Journal, 6(1), 126–142.

Young, SB, Dias, G, Fonseca, A, O’Keefe, MS (2008). Social and Environmental Responsibility in Metals Supply to the Electronic Industry. Washington: Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC); and Brussels: Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI). GHGm report. June 20, 2008. PDF