The Lumet project combines engineering approaches with sustainability science and management methods.
Under the NSERC grant, the 2024-2027 work plan comprises several work packages (WP):
- Map minerals sustainability standards: To analyze the relevant sustainability standards for the Canadian context and map their rules and requirements,
- Midstream mineral value-chain classifications: To create a taxonomy for classifying the value-chain processes, intermediates and products, and to model their thermodynamics and mass balances,
- Life cycle assessment studies: To conduct LCA according to the identified standards and examine the complexities and uncertainties, as well as the long-term benefits and constraints,
- Traceability testing in mineral value-chains: To perform process modeling and physical traceability testing of mineral production value chains.
- Systems analysis of future environmental benefits: To perform systems analysis of future environmental benefits, including higher-level effects, using materials flow analysis (MFA),
- Communications and engage knowledge users.